The Dollar‘s Dark Secret Revealed...

The US dollar is the pinnacle of currencies.


It‘s the world reserve currency.


The dominant means of exchange around the globe. International central banks park trillions of dollars in US treasuries.


Yet, there is a dark secret.


A secret few people know about.


A secret so big, it will cause chaos in financial markets globally very soon.


Today, I‘m going to share this dark secret with you.


Learning about this secret will not only ensure that you are prepared for the coming turmoil... it‘s also the key to profit from this historic shift that will change the world as we know it.

What Exactly is A Dollar?

Money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people in exchange for goods or services.


And money that is backed by something scarce and valuable like gold or silver cannot be easily manipulated. In other words, your purchasing power is protected.


This is how the dollar first started.


One dollar was a measure for an amount of silver. It used to be a large silver coin.

Silver Dollar

Paper bills were used simply for convenience and represented a claim on the physical silver.


Paper dollars used to look like this:

Paper Dollar

But since 1971 the dollar is no longer convertable.


It‘s only backing is the belief of the people in the US government that issues it.


The dollar has been turned into fiat money. A fiat currency is a currency that isn‘t backed by gold, silver or anything else.


And it‘s only a matter of time, before governments simply print more money to pay their bills and inflate the currency supply.


The result is more money chasing the same amount of goods and services.


It‘s like a hidden tax that devalues your savings.


Look at what has happened to the dollar already:

Dollar's loss of purchasing power

Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 the dollar has already lost over 95% of its purchasing power.


Just look at these McDonalds prices from 1974 and compare them to today:

McDonalds prices 1974

Money printing eventually kills all fiat currencies. It‘s only a matter of time.


In fact, in all of human history there isn‘t a single fiat currency that has ever survived long term.


According to a study of 599 defunct currencies the average life span is only 27 years.


The same fate also awaits reserve currencies. A reserve currency is the domiant currency that is used by everyone in global trade.


If a brazilian company wants to buy a product in India they don‘t use the Brazilian Real, nor the Indian Rupee. They use dollars.


So right now, the dollar is the global reserve currency.


But reserve currency status only lasts about a hundred years.


Here‘s a brief history:

History of reserve currencies

In summary, we‘re close to the end of the lifespan of the dollar. It already lost most of its value and its status as global reserve currency is getting long in the tooth.


Countries like Russia, China, Iran and many others can‘t wait for the dollar to disappear.


But the desires of other countries have littel to do with why the dollar is going to collapse some time during this decade.

A Banana Republic In The Making

The dollar has slowly been eroded for over a hundred years. Why shouldn‘t this continue for many decades more?


Good question. This is where it gets really interesting.


One crucial difference between currencies of large developed countries like the US, Japan or Germany and banana republics is the rate of inflation.


The US might typically increase the money supply by 2% a year.


Countries like Argentina or Brazil trash their currencies through hyperinflation more frequently than many african countries change their presidents.


Just look at Argentina. It‘s official inflation rate was 53.8% in 2019 and 36.1% in 2020.


Now, here is a dark secret few people know about:


35% of all dollars in existence since the birth of the nation were created in 2020 alone!

$9 trillion stimulus

But wait, there is more:


With the US government‘s recent $1.9 trillion stimulus package, they have increased the US dollar supply by 40% in the last 12 months.


In other words, the US is eclipsing even famous banana republics like Argentina with its money printing.


The US national debt now stands at $30 trillion.


It was only September 2017 that the national debt first crossed the $20 trillion milestone.


In other words, the US created $10 trillion dollars out of thin air in the last three and a half years alone!


This is a ticking time bomb.


Once this tidal wave of money works its way into the economy things will get ugly really fast.


Just look at this chart of the US money supply:

Excessive money printing

Anybody who isn‘t deeply worried about their financial future after seeing this chart is either ignorant or stupid.


And that‘s not all.


Looking a bit deeper it gets even worse.


The US government‘s accounting would make even the most kleptocratic African dictator blush.


More than $21 trillion dollars in the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are undocumented and unexplained.


The money has simply disappeared without a trace.


Nobody knows where it went.


For reference, that‘s more money than the yearly GDP of Canada, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, India and Japan combined!

Forbes: $21 trillion missing

Someone making $120,000 a year would need to work 8.3 million years just to get to $1 trillion. Never mind $21 trillion.


And nobody seems to care...


After the Defense Department failed its first-ever audit and then failed it again the year after, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) simply recommended that the government be allowed to misstate funds.


Federal government officials promptly accepted the FASAB recommendation.


In other words, your government is simply lying to you.

Pentagon accounting fraud

But it gets even worse...


The Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments in a single year!


They casually adjusted their books to the tune of 1.7 times the value of the entire US economy as if that‘s nothing.

Pentagon $35 trillion accounting changes

Here‘s the bottom line:


The US dollar is a house of cards about to be hit by a hurricane.


The cracks in the system are already here. They are obvious to anyone who dares to look.


Once people realize what‘s really going on trust in the USD will evaporate like a drop of water in the Arizona desert.


Everyone will head for the exits.


People will seek refuge in durable goods and hard assets.


But what is the best strategy in this scenario that‘s undoubtedly coming soon?


Click the link below and I‘ll show you how a mad scramble for the exits and a new technological breakthrough is presenting you with a unique opportunity.


Click Here To Learn More


The Dollar‘s Dark Secret

The US dollar is the pinnacle of currencies.


It‘s the world reserve currency.


The dominant means of exchange around the globe. International central banks park trillions of dollars in US treasuries.


Yet, there is a dark secret.


A secret few people know about.


A secret so big, it will cause chaos in financial markets globally very soon.


Today, I‘m going to share this dark secret with you.


Learning about this secret will not only ensure that you are prepared for the coming turmoil... it‘s also the key to profit from this historic shift that will change the world as we know it.

What Exactly is A Dollar?

Money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people in exchange for goods or services.


And money that is backed by something scarce and valuable like gold or silver cannot be easily manipulated. In other words, your purchasing power is protected.


This is how the dollar first started.


One dollar was a measure for an amount of silver. It used to be a large silver coin.

Silver Dollar

Paper bills were used simply for convenience and represented a claim on the physical silver.


Paper dollars used to look like this:

Paper Dollar

But since 1971 the dollar is no longer convertable.


It‘s only backing is the belief of the people in the US government that issues it.


The dollar has been turned into fiat money. A fiat currency is a currency that isn‘t backed by gold, silver or anything else.


And it‘s only a matter of time, before governments simply print more money to pay their bills and inflate the currency supply.


The result is more money chasing the same amount of goods and services.


It‘s like a hidden tax that devalues your savings.


Look at what has happened to the dollar already:

Dollar's loss of purchasing power

Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 the dollar has already lost over 95% of its purchasing power.


Just look at these McDonalds prices from 1974 and compare them to today:

McDonalds prices 1974

Money printing eventually kills all fiat currencies. It‘s only a matter of time.


In fact, in all of human history there isn‘t a single fiat currency that has ever survived long term.


According to a study of 599 defunct currencies the average life span is only 27 years.


The same fate also awaits reserve currencies. A reserve currency is the domiant currency that is used by everyone in global trade.


If a brazilian company wants to buy a product in India they don‘t use the Brazilian Real, nor the Indian Rupee. They use dollars.


So right now, the dollar is the global reserve currency.


But reserve currency status only lasts about a hundred years.


Here‘s a brief history:

History of reserve currencies

In summary, we‘re close to the end of the lifespan of the dollar. It already lost most of its value and its status as global reserve currency is getting long in the tooth.


Countries like Russia, China, Iran and many others can‘t wait for the dollar to disappear.


But the desires of other countries have littel to do with why the dollar is going to collapse some time during this decade.

A Banana Republic In The Making

The dollar has slowly been eroded for over a hundred years. Why shouldn‘t this continue for many decades more?


Good question. This is where it gets really interesting.


One crucial difference between currencies of large developed countries like the US, Japan or Germany and banana republics is the rate of inflation.


The US might typically increase the money supply by 2% a year.


Countries like Argentina or Brazil trash their currencies through hyperinflation more frequently than many african countries change their presidents.


Just look at Argentina. It‘s official inflation rate was 53.8% in 2019 and 36.1% in 2020.


Now, here is a dark secret few people know about:


35% of all dollars in existence since the birth of the nation were created in 2020 alone!

$9 trillion stimulus

But wait, there is more:


With the US government‘s recent $1.9 trillion stimulus package, they have increased the US dollar supply by 40% in the last 12 months.


In other words, the US is eclipsing even famous banana republics like Argentina with its money printing.


The US national debt now stands at $30 trillion.


It was only September 2017 that the national debt first crossed the $20 trillion milestone.


In other words, the US created $10 trillion dollars out of thin air in the last three and a half years alone!


This is a ticking time bomb.


Once this tidal wave of money works its way into the economy things will get ugly really fast.


Just look at this chart of the US money supply:

Excessive money printing

Anybody who isn‘t deeply worried about their financial future after seeing this chart is either ignorant or stupid.


And that‘s not all.


Looking a bit deeper it gets even worse.


The US government‘s accounting would make even the most kleptocratic African dictator blush.


More than $21 trillion dollars in the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are undocumented and unexplained.


The money has simply disappeared without a trace.


Nobody knows where it went.


For reference, that‘s more money than the yearly GDP of Canada, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, India and Japan combined!

Forbes: $21 trillion missing

Someone making $120,000 a year would need to work 8.3 million years just to get to $1 trillion. Never mind $21 trillion.


And nobody seems to care...


After the Defense Department failed its first-ever audit and then failed it again the year after, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) simply recommended that the government be allowed to misstate funds.


Federal government officials promptly accepted the FASAB recommendation.


In other words, your government is simply lying to you.

Pentagon accounting fraud

But it gets even worse...


The Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments in a single year!


They casually adjusted their books to the tune of 1.7 times the value of the entire US economy as if that‘s nothing.

Pentagon $35 trillion accounting changes

Here‘s the bottom line:


The US dollar is a house of cards about to be hit by a hurricane.


The cracks in the system are already here. They are obvious to anyone who dares to look.


Once people realize what‘s really going on trust in the USD will evaporate like a drop of water in the Arizona desert.


Everyone will head for the exits.


People will seek refuge in durable goods and hard assets.


But what is the best strategy in this scenario that‘s undoubtedly coming soon?


Click the link below and I‘ll show you how a mad scramble for the exits and a new technological breakthrough is presenting you with a unique opportunity.


Click Here To Learn More